Dr Melanie Goyal-Makkar. B.Sc,D.C.

Melanie was born and raised in Ontario Canada and has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Windsor. She further received her Doctorate of Chiropractic from the only Chiropractic school in Canada the renowned Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. She successfully practiced in Canada for over six years, gaining the respect of medical doctors who constantly referred patients to her due to her evidence based style of practice.
Melanie moved to Australia in 2013 after marrying a Sydney-sider. This has suited her well as she absolutely loves the outdoor active lifestyle and enjoys water related activities such as dragon boating, snorkelling and currently is trying her luck at surfing!
With over ten years of clinical experience Dr. Goyal-Makkar has developed a broad scope of practice. She treats conditions relating to musculoskeletal and neuro-musculoskeletal issues, sports injuries, chronic and acute pain and postural issues to name a few. She has treated patients ranging from professional athletes to pregnant women. However she has currently developed a strong interest in the growing epidemic of health issues arising from bad posture due to todays mainly seated corporate environment and is passionate in the treatment of headaches, migraines and low back pain.
Melanie is also certified in custom made orthotics and believes in finding the cause of an individual’s problem and correcting the root of the issue to prevent future reoccurance.
She loves facilitating the positive change that can occur through Chiropractic care and gains great rewards from helping people achieve their health care goals.